Gospel Light Baptist Church Welcomes You!
Charles Clay, Pastor

10205 Blythewood Road Blythewood, SC 29016

Thursday, August 18, 2011

God's Own Fear

Have you ever wondered why your life might not be going your way?  Why your children are disrespectful, or frustrations present themselves so?  Why one minute situations arise in negative fashion, or in another days are more happy-go-lucky?  Do these things make you afraid?  Do they make God?

In apprehension, it is human nature to have fear and doubt.  However, God tells us not to fear because He is with us always (Psalm 115:11 KJV).  The Lord longs to be our provider and protector, and promises these truths to us as well.  It is His desire for us to come to Him for assistance in times of need and anxiety.

The Lord is gracious, slow to anger, and exceedingly patient (Psalm 103:8 KJV).  His love for us is perfect, and drives away all fear within us (1John 4:18 KJV).  In complete love, there is no fear.

Being as how God is perfect, so are His ways perfect, and He shows us this perfect love by how we love others.  And, by how the way we love others, we have no fear of them because we love them through Christ who first loved us, by dying for our sins on the cross (John 3:16 KJV).

So, does God have fear?  No.  He has an everlasting desire for us to love Him, and for us to love each other through His example; to come to repentance and righteousness through His unfailing love for us, by His most everlasting, wonderful doctrine, bestowed unto us, His Holy Bible.