Gospel Light Baptist Church Welcomes You!
Charles Clay, Pastor

10205 Blythewood Road Blythewood, SC 29016

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Heaven and the Earth

Is it not a  great delight to awaken unto a bright, sunny morning?  Or to smile from a song bird's sounds?  To feel a loved one near you, close by?  Many of us would agree with these factors.  However, as most of us sleep throughout the night, our areas probably resemble dark, quiet, and still places; absent of light, peace, calmness, or love.  Such can be like in our own existence today.

Just as how  we rest at night, so was the like manner in how the world was formed.  In Genesis 1:2 it is written, "The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was  upon the face of the deep."  As humans, we have a lot of darkness surrounding us, and sometimes within us as well.

Nevertheless, in all our darkness, God is able to mend us into what it is He would have us to be, for His glory, benefit, and Will.  As the earth was transformed and made whole and given light, so can our lives be through the goodness of Christ Jesus (Genesis 1:3 KJV).

Many of us often feel unworthy to ask the Lord for help out of our dark places.  He is our Father, and desires to help us through our faith, and wants us to accept His continued grace and mercy (Romans 5:2 KJV).  But living out of darkness can only be done by accepting God's gift of light for our lives.